For as long as I can remember ‘CONSERVATIVES!’ had always been somewhat vague and consequently due to its eroded state appeared to read or indicate, to me at least, something like ‘(LONG LIVE?)...ELVIS!’ or ‘ELVIS LIVES!’ With this in mind it took sometime time to realise [and to my disappointment] that it actually said ‘CONSERVATIVES!’ it seems obvious now that it would say that. However, in the defence of my imagination, I would say that it seemed in context with the more nutty ‘SEX and MAGGIE’ part. I remember feeling that I really didn’t want it to say ‘CONSERVATIVES!’ I wanted more nutty stuff to balance out the more serious nature of the plot of words. The interesting part about this little episode of me trying to make history fit in with my intent, illuminated how when care is not taken the personal bias of the individual/organisation etc, though perhaps unintentional may take precedence over fact and perhaps underlines the difficulty of presenting historical research. This photo is the artists digitally remastered impression of his own delinquency.
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