DRUGS: detail from the dressing floor. Botallack, West Penwith, Cornwall
While closely examining the spray painted words I became conscious [irritated is another word] of further degraded texts surrounding the group and cutting across it in such a way as to mislead the discovery of the actual positions of the text being examined. In some cases the paint had been grown over by lichen keeping patches of it in place. A thin blue spray paint had a similar effect in some places too. Although they were now indecipherable they became no less interesting. Consequently on further examination of the walls and concrete floor it then occurred to me that if you do start to attempt to preserve graffiti sites such as this then you run the risk of stopping it happening at all. Once a bench mark has been set then all things past this point could quite possibly be removed to ensure the survival of the previous.
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Text from the exhibition

Self guided trail

Contemporary response

Prediction - digitally imagined graffiti

Digitally remade graffiti

Digitally remade graffiti
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